Webinar: How do we ensure ambitious national implementation of WLC regulation within the EU?

In May 2024, the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) was adopted by the European Parliament, introducing the first-ever regulation on whole life carbon (WLC). With the EPBD, the EU has therefore taken the first step towards a greener, more climate-friendly and circular construction industry, by addressing both operational and embodied carbon emissions.

However, to fully realize the EU’s ambition, the implementation of ambitious national WLC limit values and targets is crucial.

While some countries, including Denmark, have already implemented WLC requirements, the remaining Member States are required to introduce a roadmap addressing a path for limit values and targets by 2027 at the latest.

Thursday the 9th of January, from 11.00 to 12.00, Green Transition Denmark invites you to a webinar on the national implementation of WLC requirements.

The webinar will explore the potential benefits of ambitious and rapid implementation and share key insights from Denmark’s experience with WLC requirements.

Together, we aim to answer the following questions:

  • Why are WLC requirements important?
  • Where should we begin?
  • How can the industry contribute to a more ambitious implementation?
  • And much more…


We will send a link to the webinar the day before.

Funded by the European Climate Foundation.




11.00 – 11.10: Welcome and introduction to RGO’s new briefing document, ‘Building for the future: Why EU member states must take ambitious steps in implementing the whole life carbon requirements in the EPBD’, by Lone Mikkelsen, Green Transition Denmark

11.10 – 11.25: Why ambitious limit values are important for the build environment, by Harpa Birgisdottir, Professor at Department of the Built Environment, Aalborg University

11.25 – 11.40: Learnings from the Danish implementation of WLC requirements, by Albert Cosmus Pyndt Raun Østerbye, The Danish Authority of Social Services and Housing

11.40 – 11.55: Why ambitious limit values are important for the construction industry, by Kirstine Brøgger Jensen, Chief Consultant at Danish Association of Architectural Firms

11.55 – 12.00: Wrap up


Lone Mikkelsen

Seniorrådgiver, Kemikalier og cirkulær økonomi

(+45) 3318 1934

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