Five quarters webinar: Wind technologies for cleaner shipping
Green electro-fuels are needed to achieve zero carbon shipping. However, green fuels are expected to be significantly more expensive than fuel oil per energy equivalent. Hence, fuel savings and wind assisted ship propulsion – offering free non-polluting energy delivered directly to the ship at sea – will become financially attractive as part of the green transition and should be integrated in EU’s sustainable and transformative growth strategy for a resource-efficient and climate-neutral Europe by 2050. The ambitions in EU Green Deal are supported by the EU Interreg project WASP: Wind Assisted Ship Propulsion ( that installed several wind technologies on large commercial ships and conducted third-party validation to document fuel savings. These fuel savings confirm earlier studies and that wind assisted ship propulsion is important to decarbonize shipping and thereby make shipping the green transport of the future. However, several market and non-market barriers (lack of information, conservative industry, business structure, focus on short term profit etc.) are blocking uptake of wind technologies. How do we overcome these barriers?
Date/Time: May 31st 16.00-17.15 CET.
Venue: Zoom-webinar.
Registration: By email to
16.00-16.10: Welcome: Urgent need to reduce fuel consumption
Dr. Kare Press-Kristensen, Senior Advisor, Green Transition Denmark
16.10-16.30: WASP-project: Wind technologies and barriers blocking the technology
Lara Pomaska, Researcher, Kühne Logistics University
16.30-17.10: Debate: Should/Could politicians promote wind technologies? How? Moderator: Gavin Allwright, Secretary General, International Windship Association
Lara Pomaska, Researcher, Kühne Logistics University
Dr. Kare Press-Kristensen, Senior Advisor, Green Transition Denmark
Marko Möller, manager special projects, Scandlines
Frank Nieuwenhuis, CEO, eConowind
Pernille Weiss, Member of the European Parliament (tbc)
17.10-17.15: Round-off: Key messages for decision makers
Gavin Allwright, Secretary General, International Windship Association