Embodied Energy and Carbon Storage in Buildings/Indlejret energi og kulstoflagring i bygninger
With buildings, we have for a long time focused solely on energy consumption, not on embodied energy – meaning the energy that is used to extract and produce materials and construct our buildings. But recent research show that today the embodied energy actually equals or even surpasses the total energy use in the building’s entire lifespan.
For the building industry to take responsibility for a cost-effective climate mitigation, we need to understand that climate-friendly buildings are also about material awareness, minimizing the building materials carbon footprint, carbon storage by building in fx. wood – which now can be used for almost all sorts of buildings – and conscious circular design and recycling of buildings and materials.
With this conference, we want to inspire the building industry, advisers, contractors, private builders and professional clients, to build the climate-friendly buildings of tomorrow, today.
Short video about Embodied Energy and Carbon Storage as presented at the conference 29th October 2019
Presentations from the conference
12:00 Arrival, Registration & Sandwich
12:30 Welcome
Jesper Nygård, CEO Realdania
12:40 Introduction video
12:50 Embodied Carbon in the Built Environment
– An International Perspective on Policy Frameworks.
Trude Rauken, Deputy Director, Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance
13:10 Embodied carbon in buildings – an important climate change issue.
Harpa Birgisdottir, Senior Researcher, Danish Building Research Institute, AAU
13:30 Counting Carbon, the Circular Way
Kasper Guldager Jensen, Architect, Senior partner and Director of GXN
13:50 Material reuse and Circular Economy in the building industry.
Ditte Lysgaard Vind, Managing Partner, Lendager TCW
14:10 Wood in buildings. A Carbon Negative Material.
Lone Wiggers, Architect and Partner CF: Møller Architects
14:30 Coffee Break
15:00 Climate friendly insulation. What, how and why.
Bodil Engberg Pallesen, Seniorspecialist, Bioresources og Biorefinery, Technological Institute
15:20 Concrete. How can concrete be a part of climate-friendly buildings. Problems and solutions.
Thomas Uhd, Head of External Relations & Sustainability, Aalborg Portland
15:40 Low embodied energy. A clients perspective. Why and how.
Per Bro, Building Director, Boligselskabet Sjælland
16:00 Carbon goals in the building industry. A contractors perspective.
Martin Manthorpe, Director of strategy NCC
16:20 The political focus and the road ahead.
Anne Paulin, Member of Parliament for the danish Social
Democrat, Spokesperson on Climate-, Energy- and Supply policies.
16:40 Debate
Anne Paulin
Harpa Birgisdottir
Martin Manthorpe
Kasper Guldager
Lone Wiggers
17:00 Wine & networking
For further information please contact:
Lars Køhler, Arkitekt MAA
Buildings / Sustainability, Energy & Climate
Green Transition Denmark
Tel: +45 5196 7009
E-mail: lars@rgo.dk
This conference is financed in cooperation with Realdania